Theme Park Change

5 04 2011

One thing that I really enjoy doing with a platform like this blog is letting people know about charities directly related to the amusement industry, because I think it is worth doing even if I only end up with one person learning about a given charitable cause. If you have followed me elsewhere around the Internet, you know that I especially enjoy trying to push out the word about Give Kids the World, and if you don’t know who they are and what they do, I highly recommend taking a moment to check them out and consider giving to that amazing cause. This post is for pretty new cause, though, so let’s move on to that.

Just today, I ran across a new cause that is taking place during the month of April, called Theme Park Change. If you also happen to be a Gleek you may have already heard about this, as Neil Patrick Harris, everyone’s favorite choir teacher, is championing it.* The simple explanation on the idea behind this cause is that you give up getting a food item, souvenir, or even visiting one park or one chain’s season pass this month and donate that corresponding amount to Theme Park Change. All of the proceeds generated will be going to Project Angel Food in Los Angeles, California.

While it is a regional charity in its finality, this is a great thing to push across the industry, as most major entertainment chains have locations in Southern California. Oh, and I almost forgot, you are eligible to win some pretty nice prizes if you donate $10 or more. So stop reading this and click on over to Theme Park Change and think about what you could give up from your next trip to the park and donate the money to Theme Park Change and Project Angel Food!

Theme Park Change
Project Angel Food
Give Kids the World

*Update: I have been informed by a Gleek (I am not one) rather close to me, that NPH is not the teacher, however she does not seem to remember his exact role. Regardless, one of the main stars of Glee is pushing this, so…yeah, that doesn’t really change anything.



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